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Eurovis 2016: Keynote Elmar Eisemann TU Delft

EuroVis 2016

CAPSTONE: From Perception to Image Synthesis

Today’s display devices are of astonishing quality; very high resolution and framerates, deep color palettes, and 3D (or even multi-view) support. They start to approach our perceptual limits, which is a crucial component for the immersion in a virtual environment. Nonetheless, the pure capacity to represent high-quality imagery is useless without actual image content. While displaying a virtual environment is a difficult task on its own, the tremendous development of display hardware has put even more pressure on these algorithms. In this talk, we will investigate solutions to this problem. We will show that theoretical insights, algorithmic decisions, adequate data representations, and perception are all of high importance for an efficient rendering method. In particular, we demonstrate that a better understanding of human perception does not only allow us to increase performance on modern display devices but also image quality. Consequently, perception might be the key to the future of image-synthesis solutions. Details